How accurate is lyrebird vocal mimicry?

Lyrebirds are some of the world’s best vocal mimics and can accurately copy dozens of species in their Australian...

Can we find a low cost solution to store temperature sensitive enzymes in research?

Temperature-sensitive reagents are common in biology labs, and often need to be stored in expensive ultra...

Distribution and Abundance of Sex Ratio Distorters in Pillbugs

The maternally vertical transmitted bacterial reproductive parasite Wolbachia occurs in ~50% of all arthropods...

CetaSim: using a game engine to simulate sperm whales and their world

AI-driven interspecies communication projects to decode the vocalizations of sperm whales are underway...

Can we decode orca communication with innovative approaches?

Killer whales represent a striking example of communicative complexity in the animal kingdom, yet a thorough...

Who has more health problems – raw or dry fed dogs?

More and more owners are turning to feeding raw, biologically appropriate food to their dogs as they believe...

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